Saturday, 8 December 2012


My own practice has developed in terms of where I want to take it, where my research interests are and where I want to go next.
                       Somatic based practice can be used in the education system. These practices can be a way of developing the brain and opening up neurological pathways that are vital in the primary school as a foundation for further education. By sharing this in my teaching I can give children the right tools from their first experiences in education. I wish to specialise in lower primary as this is where these developmental process' need nurturing most in learning to read, understanding the world around them, problem solving and being able to communicate successfully.

However I am now struggling to see it as anything beyond this. My own practice feels irrelevant and this preconception stops me from seeing other possibilities. The perception extract from "Body and Earth" by Andrea Olsen, has helped me to realise that I limit my ability by my perceptions. I have lots of preconceptions, even though I feel I am open minded. I project my preconceptions onto situations, my mood as well as my interestes - If I am feeling unco-operativeor down then everything I try to learn feels difficult and out of my depth. This means I don't approach it with the right attitude. My fear of failing and being behind is something I am currently struggling to overcome. "Numbing" is something that I normally do to overcome such issues. I must work with or against my preconceptions in order to change them. I won't succeed if I don't try and I struggle to try if I fear I will fail.

On the contary I have realised how in the past term we have re-visited much of what we have learnt in the past 2 years. BMC relates to everything I know about technique. I feel it is another layer/understanding to embody technique, e.g. 3D Self (soft spine, nerves, digestive tract) Floor softening the front and sun warms the back. My body recognises these moving patterns from what I have done before. It is familiar! My reflective practice is where I solidise what my body receives from the information and turns it into head information. I realise the relevance of what we are doing in relation to my prior knowledge and reading.

Most important to me as I have related all of my moving to this idea that my 6 limbs come from the center. When I use this image everything else comes into play (like soft spine) automatically. My power/movement always radiates from the center. Bringing all of my cells with me in celular breathing happens too as I move one body part that is connected through the core to every other body part, therefore moving the whole. By shifting through space from the core I take everything with me.

I want to practice more of the YEILD AND PUSH / REACH AND PULL as I don't think I understand enough of this yet to practice it in my own time. I understand it more in my head but my body is not convinced.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Yeild and Push...


Support before action. Yeilding and softness to support moving. Spreading and pushing like rock.


Pre-Spinal Pattern...


Spinal pattern...

Head to tail relationship. Lateral line senses vibrations. The fish's body is a feeling, knowing entity. Doesnt rely on its head senses.

CSFluid acts as a shock absorber. Fins stabelize and balance the fish initiating from the center. This is moving towards the limbs.

Chinese Dragon...

Really understand the mouthing pattern and how to move from the mouth, head. skull. and body. follows. Like a chinese dragon.


IMAG0374 Landscape building... I used the corner of the room including the wall. This is simple yet I haven't tried this before. Is this landscape in the space just a rememberance of this or what is it???

Mouthing pattern...



CROSS CLASS... Moving one body part moves the whole - Contact Improvisation and Naval radiation. Can move without much effort, as the whole body follows an initiation. Locating our own center... In order to find your own center you have to nourish it with breath and attention. Personal growth and wellbeing... Moving from the center in life gives you connection to everything. 2 STARFISH core to core with 12 limbs in back dances... something we have done a lot but now I have a new understanding of this exercise. Investigate... I would like to investigate further the idea of what it means to explore with your body, in connection to a partner in contact improvisation or in connection to the ground in solo work. Giant play ground of squshing padded floor to fall on / explore. 00

Center to center...

IMAG0370 Center to center contact. Contact improvisation. 2 Starfish moving as one. Throwing each other around - Knocking partner to begin movement using momentum. []


IMAG0367 No need for the mouth/breathing/moving. The body is the mind. Embryo eats from the center/ambilical cord/naval. STARFISH - not one part of the starfish is more important than the other. IMAG0369

20 Levels

IMAG0365 How can I feel comfortable higher? I enjoy lower levels as I have the floor to feed from.

Am I learning anything?


Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Skinner Releasing Technique...

WHITE MIST - softly encourages the bones to lengthen, grow and unravel.

SEA SPONGE - are they real? damp, squashy, breathe, holes, living organism.

MARRIONETTE STRINGS - suspend, same image as falling upwards. Moving with no tension just hanging.

Focus and development...

Practice of Sarah Watley's phrase class. I am more aware of how lazy this movement is, I am so bogged down with ideas of melting and moving without tension and muscle over envolvement but I am missing out the detail and not fully performing each movement because of this.

Revise of movement studies focus -
find the balance between softening/ignoring muscle memory and retaining definition.


Installation piece -

Is this dance?
Feel I have to move something then I must do it. Cannot participate without this impulse.
3 Dimensional understanding (Neg. Study)

Catagorization of objects. How to deal with stubborn traits and compromise in silence without gesture.

BIG GREEN WEDNESDAY! the organisation of recycling. audience can join in, bring and take items, offer a new catagory.

Flexability & pilates...


Noticed my hypermobility in my hip joints during a pilates class, I have to be careful as during partner stretching my hip will fall open further than expected and my partner must be aware if they have my weight in order to catch it.



My focus for this term!!!
Focus on maintaining technique as well as releasing tension when dancing so my movement doesn’t look lazy and I fully perform each movement.

Window like eyes...


one specific focus - edges blur but the mind knows what it is, does it fake what it see's?

"don't need to name everything as you see it, what appears in my line of vision, what is left behind?" - DANNIELLE JEFFERIES

NEW SPACE - yes your body doesnt see what objects are but your mind knows so interprets the image likewise. If it doesn't know, all you see is shape and colour. WHAT? creates the blackness that creeps into your vision when you look past something?

Term Two Improvisation...

I get stuck, sink fast as run out of ideas. Repeat task again think cus I tend to get an idea from it and think thats what I've been asked to do.


I thought the body/spine follows as the skull should lead

SKULL - Limp/follows
BODY - Loose, outward breath

Must try this leading idea with the top of the spine. Initiate from the skull or the top of the spine? Does this give a different outcome or is it the same? Vice versa with pelvis.

What if all the million cells in your body give up the pattern, and its just a pattern, of facing the front direction...


Walking Research (Influx)...



Follow it! - means no repeating and continuing the energy and comitment to the movement for as long as possible. This is NOT a directional instruction like I first thought, so you can go backwards.

Following through touch... can appreciate movement beter with eyes closed and following with hands or body. Movement comes alive, a more 3D experience for myself as a witness.


Does dance have to be a visual art? I suggest for the dancer(s) involved it is a tactile art so why can't the audience have this experience too? Negotiated Study???