Monday, 6 December 2010

Choreography Lesson

Take a word or phrase and break it down into phonemes and say it out loud. Improvise to see how your body responds to the sounds...

Words break down into sounds, we can use these sounds as music. Listen to the shape and rhythm of the "music" to guide the dance. Voice is part of the body and movement, therefore we cannot hide a part of ourselves when freeing our expression. This really interests me and I find I am able to focus and gain a lot from this exercise.

Play with 'volume' of movement, from 1 (silent) to 10 (over exaggerated).

This can give you a dynamic or pace to work at and if you use the same motif it can look completely different from one volume to another.

Choreographic Solo Sketch

*** Begin with a stimulus of your choice. Allow your reflections on 'self-as-subject' and the investigations into body parts, actions, quality, time and space to inform the making progress. ***

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Fleur Darkin Dance Company - DISGO

WARNING - This may be a spoiler for people.
I found this on youtube and just thought if your not going to see it maybe take a look.


So we have the opportunity to work with the Fleur Darkin Dance Company for the week on their touring project 'Disgo'. I really don't want to say too much because it has a massive twist for those people who go to see it! Basically us "extra's" are called plants and they collect us from different universtitys or dance schools as they tour. Our job is to assist the main company in re-creating a concept of dance which gives each audience member a new experience. I remember reading somewhere about a theatre driector named Artaud who did some very bizzare things to his audience during each show. At the moment I am skeptical about whether this is going to work or not but we shall see...